It’s time to say goodbye.

Last week went by pretty fast, as usual.

My semester and, with it, my undergraduate studies ended on Tuesday after my grammar final. And that was it. I was done. It was over. And I was just there, sitting on a bench on campus, looking around me and being like « oh, so that means I’ll never walk inside of one of these classrooms anymore, I’ll never see these people again, you know the one that you just see everywhere but have never really met… » It felt weird, and I couldn’t tell if I liked it or not.

And that’s how it went, slowly living the « last things »: last dinner at Maelle and Tracy’s, last open mic, last dinner with all of them.

Saying goodbye. It’s never easy, is it ? And not saying goodbye isn’t easier either.

I think this is one very particular thing when you’re an exchange student: you see people differently, you talk to them differently and you get attached differently. Because you know it’s not gonna last and also because you’re on your own there, pretty alone, at least at first.


Here it is, few minutes before taking the cab to go to the bus station, then off to NYC, then off to La Guardia and flying to Chicago at 8.30am, it’ll be pretty hectic. But i’ve the best British ever with me.


Friday night, had to say goodbye to Matt. After a nice dinner, we headed back to my place. And that was it, he had to go. Few hugs after, he had left, and here we were, realizing what it meant: that was it, the end, or the beginning of our summers, in different directions. Kelly left a few hours later. What a weird night…

Emma and Jyoti stayed over for the week end, and that was awesome, because I would have felt so lonely otherwise (also because the apartment would have been empty.)

Sunday. Graduation. What a nice American thing to experience, even though the weather was terrible. I went with Maelle, wore the whole outfit, lived it. And it felt good. I met up with some of my American friends after, to take few pictures, to congratulate them, and to say goodbye. To cry a little, of course. I get really emotional when it comes to goodbye.

And then we met with everyone that was still there for diner. Said goodbye to Ana, even though I’m going to meet with her again very soon. But again, just realizing it was the last time I would see her in Albany.

And today, got ready for Chicago slowly, and now we’re waiting for the cab, and it’s the last time I’m having them over, at this place.


God knows what a year this has been…

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