We are really close to the end…

I’m going to recap the month that went by, because I love trying to remember all the tiny things I did 😉

Thursday 18th: I sang again at the open mic, I need to ask Sam about the video, I sang one of my song, one that I wrote 5 years ago and that I still love. It was a lovely night, followed by drinks with the girls at Madison Station. HRCH is definitely one of the best cosy place of Albany and the open mic nights are always really nice 🙂

On Friday I went to Alumni to do some laundry, watch glee, do nothing. And then we went out for India Food, and Jyoti being able to tell us what to order, that was really cool haha.

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On Saturday 20th, we went back to Gold’s studio downtown with UPS, lovely time as usual, learnt a lot, lots of fun. They even made me model. Not my favorite thing at all. haha, but this is such a great club. I tried to study a bit in the afternoon, I was trying to catch up on my readings for my history class… But that wasn’t really productive and I ended up going to Maelle’s for a really nice dinner and then I went to see Ana and spent the night at her place, just chilling 😉


On Sunday, I met Maelle again for brunch and then went for a walk downtown, it was a sunny day, though a bit chilly. Et Dieu sait à quel point le concept du café/de la bière/du sirop de grenadine en TERRASSE me manque. I met up with Kelly for dinner at my place, but we have been interrupted by firemen trucks parking in front of our house, because there was a fire in my neighbor’s basement. It was a bit crazy, but everyone was safe..

I had a bad, like really bad fever for 2 days, which was really funny cause I had real hallucinations, and I still went to class (don’t even ask why) -though I had to skip zumba 😉
On Tuesday night, we went downtown with UPS to shoot fire dancers, it was really pretty.


On Wednesday night, Kelly, Emma, and I went to see the Comedy Club perform on campus. A mix of sketches, improvisation, stand up show etc. Was really cool 🙂

Friday the 26th was pretty casual, though I had an amazing skype date with my whole family 😉

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And then shopping (didn’t buy anything, I’m still saving money for this summer 😉 !), and dinner with Emma and Jyoti.

On Saturday I went back to see the play In The Next Room with Ana & Emma, I mean I had seen the dress rehearsal, so it was fun to see it played for a real audience 🙂 And I wasn’t disappointed, it was still really nice. At night, most of my international friends met at Hannah’s place, a Korean girl that lives few blocks from my place.

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On Sunday, I met up with Sam on campus to enjoy a bit of the sun and then I studied while waiting for the Piano Recital (one of Sam’s friends recital actually) to begin. She was incredible. I realize that I’ve spent a lot of time this semester attending that kind of ‘events’, there’re a lot of things going on campus it’s incredible, and for sure I’m going to miss that when I’m back in France.

The week after began with trying to figure out my plans for summer a bit more, that is to say, making reservations for hostels in Philadelphia and NYC for mid-June, where I will meet with Emma and her friend on their way back to the East coast. I’m really excited, and it’s really funny to re-do a bit of the same trip that we did in family last year!

UPS got their t-shirts 😉551403_10151400474426139_956907461_n

On thursday the 2nd, I finally did the shoot I wanted to do with Sam, in the studio. It turned out very well and Maelle help me with the make-up and everything. It was a lot of fun 😉 And then I spent the evening at the HRCH with Maelle and Emma. (Trying to avoid the fact that finals were coming very soon…)

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On Friday, I went back to Colonie Center to ask Verizon what I needed to do to shut down the internet. The girl that took care of me was one that already had taken care of us in August, and she remembered me, so that was quite funny ;).

And on the evening, Matt, Emma, Maelle, Stephen and I went to see Iron Man. Matt’s eyes were sparkling haha. It was so goooood, so funny, perfect. (and I will always have a part of me that I hate going to the theater because of the people in the room haha)?

On our way back, Emma discovered that her room had been infested with giant ants, they were everywhere, and she lives on the 3rd floor. So basically she spent a couple of nights to my place, I couldn’t leave her over there haha. When that kind of things happen, I’m so glad I don’t have anyone sharing my bedroom, an apartment is waaaay enough.

I spent my saturday in Washington Park, enjoying the sun and reading my books. Marie met up with me for a while, it just felt so perfect to spend a day laying on the grass enjoying the sun heat. In fact, I’ve to admit, there was no spring in Albany, by the beginning of may, we were all wearing shorts and skirts and my cardigan was only useful on the bus or inside the buildings because of the AC haha !

At night, we went out for cocktails with Emma & Nikoline, Emma definitely needed to be cheered up, the ants were still present 😉

After a looong night of sleep and a good lunch, we went in Washington Park to read our books, then I even went to a coffee shop to study even more and went back to Alumni to do some laundry. And Emma and I went back to my place, just to give one more night to the ants to disappear 😉

Monday 6th was absolutely basic, though it was the last monday of class. I went back to Alumni to do some laundry again – they’re gonna close the dorms on the 18th, I needed to enjoy free access to laundry machines hahaha !

On Tuesday, first Andy took a couple of pictures of me in his studio- I’m trying to get use to that… And then I went to spend my day on campus so that I would study a lot and be done (or almost) with my literature paper. Just so we’re clear, this semester was not very challenging in terms of academical studies, my classes were pretty boring and way too easy. And the less you do, the less you want to do. I’m fully aware of that. And I’ve always loved studying, I really like writing papers even though as a real student I complain about it, that is why this semester was a bit disappointing. But it doesn’t mean I haven’t learned anything, I’ve learned a loooot actually, and seeing different ways of teaching is always something very interesting. Especially when you want to become a teacher yourself ;).

I also had my last Zumba class.

946347_10151561868838490_1455545556_nAt night we had our last meeting with UPS, we didn’t do anything special, just sat & talked. Most of the actual eboard is graduating, a lot of us are leaving, so it was just weird realizing that. And some of them have spent their 4 years of university being in that club, and what a great club it is.

Wednesday 8th was the last day of class. And I had my first final in my « Growing up in America » class. 75 questions, multiple choice. Easier than the weekly quizzes, and boring as hell. This class will remain one of my major disappointment, the syllabus was so good, the materials were so interesting, and we did NOTHING with it. Ughh. But anyway, could have been worse I guess..?

I went to see the Student Recital at night, because some of my friends including Sam were playing, while Emma was making me and Matt dinner to thank us for our help during the Ants situation haha. It was actually really nice to go back home around 9pm (quite late, thank you buses), and having somebody who had cooked dinner for you in your own home haha ! And then, we watched New Girl, because this remains one of the funniest TV show 😉

On Thursday, I met with Maelle to go grocery shopping for friday night, our last night all together at the apartment 🙂 and then Marie came over to study, I finished my paper, was done with my history readings… And we went out at night, met up with some friends, it was really nice 🙂


On friday, at noon, I had to meet with some of UPS members to go and have a BBQ. My final was only at 3.30, so I had lots of time and I was really not worried about it. Burgers and Hot Dogs, Chicken made by Jaquam, etc. Lovely. The weather was perfect. It was perfect. But I was so not in the mood to go and take my final. The thing is I knew it was going to be easy, because we already had been given the essays we would be asked to do. So the ‘suprise’ part was just 5 terms out of 8 that we had to identify (and we had been given a list of 50 before, so it wasn’t even a real surprise). It was easy, I’m so not worried about it..


I came back around 6pm, cooked until people came around 8.30, and thank God Maelle came before to help me so I could get ready too 🙂

It was a great night. And what is a better thing than opening your room and finding lots of post-it with a mix of french and english words just complimenting you ? 😉 I’ve the best friends ever.


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Too much love, way too much love 😉

On saturday, I went by Washington Park a little with Tracy, Keith and his roommates, because it was Tulip Festival, and some bands were playing. The weather wasn’t great at all. But it was still very nice 🙂

And at night, we went to see The Great Gatsby. AMAZING movie. I could spend hours talking about it. I’m going to re-read the book for sure this summer. But it’s such a great adaptation, so artistic, and such a great cast. Go see it, seriously.

Sunday 12th, Emma came over for lunch, I started packing (i.e. I repaired my suitcase, because I haven’t found a new one) and I didn’t like it so I stopped, I finalized my paper, Matt finally brought my mop back ;), and that was it. Sundays being sundays.

Awkward Senior portraits haha. Capture d’écran 2013-05-13 à 10.10.51 - copie

Un commentaire sur “We are really close to the end…

  1. SCHMUCK Corinne dit :

    J’ai bcp aim… Merci !

    Ta maman qui t’aime et te soutient 🙂

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